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An instantly salable product, these combos have everything you need to market your A7 greeting cards for retail stores, art fairs and internet sales!
Each A7 Greeting Card Combo contains 10 custom printed 5" x 7" A7 greeting cards that are scored and folded, 10 envelopes, 1 A7-1/2BOX perfectly sized to fit your cards, 1 fourteen inch Elastic Stretch Loop in your choice of color, and assembly of each set.
Minimum order of 2 combos (20 cards/envelopes). For sets with multiple images, minimum order of 1 combo per image (2 images, 2 combo minumum; 5 images, 5 combo minimum, etc.).
Use our real-time uploader tool to upload your image and set the borders for perfectly printed cards. Simply click the upload button below to send us your image(s), select your print options and stretch loop color, and your custom printed cards will be assembled and shipped to you ready to sell. For a detailed explanation of how our upload system works, Click Here
No more buying all of your supplies separately and spending hours folding and assembling your card sets - we do it for you, and save you time and money!